COP - What’s it all about?

The international political response to climate change began with the adoption of the UNFCCC in 1992, which sets out a framework for action aimed at stabilising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to avoid “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.” The Convention, which entered into force on 21 March 1994, now has 195 parties.

Poland – COP 19 Conclusion - 27 hours after its scheduled closing time, the meeting adopted an ADP decision that invites parties to initiate or intensify domestic preparations for their intended nationally-determined contributions, and resolves to accelerate the full implementation of the Bali Action Plan and pre-2020 ambition. Parties also adopted a decision establishing the Warsaw international mechanism on loss and damage, and the “Warsaw REDD+ framework,” a series of seven decisions on REDD+ finance, institutional arrangements and methodological issues.


Who attends?

In Poland last year, the conference drew over 8,300 participants, including 4,022 government officials, 3,695 representatives of UN bodies and agencies, intergovernmental organizations and civil society organizations, and 658 members of the media. This year in Peru we are also expecting a high number of participants at COP20, as Peru is cautiously vocal that Lima should produce a draft agreement for the text. COP20 President and Peruvian Minister of the Environment Manuel Pulgar-Vidal said at a Brown University conference that COP20 needs to provide a solid basis for a strong agreement in Paris.


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How can you get involved?

Join the Sustainable Innovation Forum that  brings together world leaders, CEOs, senior executives, national, regional and city leaders, investors and industry experts to share ideas and accelerate innovative solutions to address climate change, accelerate green growth and sustainable development.  With its unique informative but relaxed environment, the Sustainable Innovation Forum facilitates collaboration through networking, informed discussion and the creation of innovative partnerships for change.

Organised by Climate Action, in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) alongside the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP), the forum generates robust debate and shares ideas, technology and solutions that can be turned into positive actions to climate-proof the post-2015 development agenda.

The 2014 Sustainable Innovation Forum will focus on the big issues at play to tackle climate change right now. Putting a price on carbon and enhancing public-private sector engagement.

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